CLASCO: Wrapping Up a Year of Progress

As the festive season approaches, the CLASCO project takes stock of a productive year focused on advancing additive manufacturing for the aerospace and biomedical industries. Through innovations such as laser technology and process monitoring sensors, the project has made progress in overcoming challenges such as rough surfaces, while prioritising sustainability and digitisation.

This year CLASCO took part in

  • Trade Fairs: We showcased our project for improving 3D printed surfaces at leading industry exhibitions, having insightful discussions with professionals from the aerospace, biomedical and manufacturing sectors.
  • Educational events: Sharing knowledge with students and researchers was a key focus. From lectures to workshops, we aimed to inspire the next generation of innovators in sustainable and high-tech manufacturing.
  • Webinars and conferences: The CLASCO team presented our progress in surface technologies and collaborated with experts
  • Women's initiatives: In support of diversity in science and technology, we participated in events celebrating women's contributions to engineering and manufacturing.

Looking ahead, 2025 will be an exciting year as the project continues to build the CLASCO machine that will make customised, high-performance surfaces more accessible.

The CLASCO team wishes all partners, collaborators and supporters a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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