Expand Your Specialist Knowledge at the “ Elastomere Werkstoffe und Dichtungen“ Training Course

In a wide range of industries, from automotive to aerospace, elastomer materials and seals are crucial to ensure the integrity and performance of technical systems under dynamic and demanding conditions. From 14 to 15 May 2024, the DGM training course on elastomeric materials and seals offers the opportunity to further educate yourself in this field.

In-Depth Learning Program

Under the direction of Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Richter, participants can expect an application-oriented program with a special focus on the evaluation of seals in Grossbottwar (Germany). Starting with in-depth knowledge of chemical, physical and other properties, through an understanding of practical applications of common elastomers such as NBR, HNBR, FKM and FFKM, to approval procedures, comprehensive knowledge will be imparted. The complete program of the training course "Elastomere Werkstoffe und Dichtungen" is available on our website. The application of these theoretical principles can be deepened during a laboratory tour on the second day of the event.

Your Ticket to Elastomers

The training course is particularly aimed at materials scientists, engineers and technicians from science and industry in the field of research and development as well as production technology. There are still places available! Take the opportunity to further your education and learn from experts! Register via the website. 

In addition to this event, the DGM offers numerous other training courses on various material-oriented topics. Take a look at what's on offer!

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