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This page pertains to a past event in our conference series. To stay informed about the latest advancements, discussions, and networking opportunities, explore the details of our upcoming conference.

BioINSP 2026


If you are interested in exhibiting at the event on-site, please get in touch with us for more information:

DGM-Inventum GmbH
Kamillenweg 16 - 18
53757 Sankt Augustin
T +49 (0)69 - 75306 770

Write a mail


Virtual Exhibition and Sponsoring Options
Further Exhibiting and Sponsoring Options Services
VIRTUAL EXHIBITION BOOTH - choose between two booth concepts including up to 15 links (video, pdf, links)
  • 2 free online registration including access to the full congress program *2
  • visitors can reach you at any time via the chat module on your booth
  • Display of the sponsor's logo on the BioINSP 2024 website as an online exhibitor
  • Display of the sponsor's logo in the program overview
  • Display of the sponsor's logo as an online exhibitor in the break videos
Sponsoring of the conference bags (800€)
You provide the bags for participants. You can fill the bags with information material such as brochures and flyers about your company/products.
Brochure or Flyer (500€)
A flyer or brochure from you will be distributed on site.
Pens (500€)
You will provide the pens. They are placed on the tables
Writing Pads (500€)
You will provide the pens. They are placed on the tables
Lanyards (500€)
You will provide the congress lanyard, which every participant will receive with its name badge.  



DGM-Inventum GmbH
Kamillenweg 16 - 18
53757 Sankt Augustin (Germany)
T +49 (0)69 - 75306 780

Write e-mail


BioINSP 2024
7th BioInspired Materials 18 - 20 March 2024 | Hybrid Conference in Löwenstein (Germany) & online

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