Plenary Speakers

  • Dr.

    Heidi Goenaga-Infante

    LGC National Measurement Laboratory, UK

    "Particle Metrology: Are We There Yet?"

  • A/Prof.

    Gawain McColl

    University of Melbourne, AU

    "A model systems examination of iron homeostasis over lifetime"

  • Univ.Prof. Dr.techn.

    Thomas Prohaska

    Montanuniversität Leoben, AT

    “Isotopes don’t lie”

  • Prof.

    James Ranville

    Colorado School of Mines Golden, US

    "Single Particle ICP-MS: Past, Present, and Future"

  • Prof. Dr.

    Markus Rex

    University of Potsdam, DE


    Topic: Environment

  • Prof. Dr.

    Dirk Schaumlöffel

    Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, FR

    “Elemental imaging offers fascinating insights into the micro and nanoworld”

Heritage Speaker

  • Prof.

    Diane Beauchemin

    Queen's University, CA

    “An ongoing journey with ICP spectrometry: a beautiful road (un beau chemin)”

Keynote Speakers

  • Assoc.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat.

    David Clases

    Universität Graz, AT

    Battling the elements: Rethinking strategies to pinpoint, characterise and understand nano- and microparticles

  • Prof. Dr.

    Christina Dornack

    Technische Universität Dresden, DE


    Topic: Recycling, technical critical elements

  • Dr.

    Fábio Andrei Duarte

    Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, BR

    "Microwave-induced combustion in disposable vessels as an alternative for sample digestion"

  • Ph.D.

    Jhanis J. Gonzalez

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Applied Spectra, Inc., US

    Laser Ablation Sampling: Insights, Current Developments, and Future Directions”

  • Ph.D.

    Markéta Holá

    Masaryk University, CZ

    "In-Situ Approaches in Geochemistry: Applying Methods of Elemental, Structural, and Isotopic Analysis"

  • Prof.

    Bin Hu

    Wuhan University, CN

    "Single cell analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry"

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr.

    Gunda Köllensperger

    Universität Wien, AT

    “Metallomics - trends and emerging applications”

  • Dr.

    Thomas Lockwood

    University of Technology Sydney, AU

    “Data processing for single-particle and laser ablation ICP-MS”

  • Prof. Dr.

    Adrien Mestrot

    University of Bern, CH

    “Methylated, thiolated or volatile. Measuring exotic trace element species in soils, biota and the atmosphere using plasma mass spectrometry.”

  • Assoc. Prof.

    Steven Ray

    The State University of New York, US

    “New Microwave-Based Strategies for Atomic and Molecular Spectrometry”

  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

    Lothar Rink

    RWTH-Aachen University Hospital, DE

    Zinc in Seniors, Vegetarians and Vegans”

  • Prof. Dr.

    Tanja Schwerdtle

    Bundesinstituts für Risikobewertung, DE


    Topic: Metals in medical/biological, clinical, and pharmaceutical science

  • Prof.

    Frank Vanhaecke

    Ghent University, BE

    Laser ablation – ICP-mass spectrometry: 4 decades of providing “solutions” to analytical problems

  • Cornel Venzago

    Evonik Operations GmbH, DE

    Glow discharges in analytical chemistry, past present and future

  • Dr.

    Jochen Vogl

    Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), DE

    “Isotope ratio analysis – principles and applications”

  • Dr.

    Lu Yang

    National Research Council, CA

    “Determination of isotope ratios by MC-ICP-MS for the production of isotopic certified reference materials at NRC”

EWCPS 2025
02 - 07 March 2025 | Hybrid Conference in Berlin (Germany) & online

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