Guidelines for the presentation of your contribution

Presentation of a Lecture

  • The regular presentation time for a lecture is 15 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A.
  • Presentation as PowerPoint or PDF, preferably in 16:9 format.
  • The presentation language is English. Please prepare all your documents and slides in English.
  • Presentations do not need to be uploaded in advance.
  • There are no specifications or guidelines for the design of your slides. Nevertheless, we ask you to keep the area marked in the template on your slides free, as your video/image will automatically be displayed at this place during the presentation. This would otherwise obscure important information. You can download the template here:

Presentation Template

On-site presentations:

  • Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive to MSE 2024. Please give it to our technicians in your lecture room at the break, before the session with your presentation.
  • Due to technical reasons no personal equipment like your own notebook can be used to give your presentation.
  • Since you will be giving your presentation on-site using a presentation computer provided by us, we ask you to use only standard fonts such as Arial, Geneva, Helvetic or Lucida Sans in your presentation. Otherwise, we cannot exclude the possibility of unintentional text displacement in your presentation on the presentation computer. Alternatively, we ask you to embed the individual font you use in your PowerPoint presentation.

Online presentations:

  • MSE 2024 is a live event. We will try to schedule all presentations accordingly to ensure that the respective author can give the presentation live in their time zone. Please check your assigned presentation time considering the time difference to MESZ.
  • You will give your presentation online by logging in to our event platform and using your hardware setup (computer, webcam, microphone, or headset (preferred)).
  • In case of poor internet connection, you can send us a video of your presentation in advance, and we will play it at the specified times. 

Presentation of a Poster

Poster contributions submitted after June 30, 2024 will NOT have a poster space on site! These posters must only be uploaded online in the abstract management system and can be presented on the virtual platform and TV screens on-site.
  • All posters will be displayed on-site as and online, regardless of whether the author participates on-site or online.
  • Please create your poster in portrait format, size DIN A0. There are no further specifications or guidelines for the design of your Poster for MSE 2024. Please feel free to use the MSE 2024 Logo on your poster. You can download it here.
  • Please prepare your poster as a JPG file for the virtual poster hall and upload the final graphic by 20 September 2024. Use the "Abstract Management System" to upload your poster. The maximum size of the poster file must not exceed 25 MB.
  • We offer the possibility to upload a prerecorded poster-pitch-video which will be accessible via the event-platform. The video must be in .mp4 format and must not exceed the maximum size of 150 MB. For a program to convert the video to .mp4 or reduce the file size, we recommend "Handbrake". Please upload the video via the Abstract Management System. All participants can watch the poster pitch videos on the virtual platform.
  • Additional information for on-site poster authors: Please bring your already uploaded poster printed in A0 format to the congress in Darmstadt, Germany. Your uploaded poster will also be automatically displayed in the poster room of the virtual platform. 
  • Additional information for online poster authors: Your uploaded poster will be automatically displayed on site on a portrait monitor, as well as in the virtual poster room of the virtual platform.

MSE 2024
24 - 26 September 2024 | Hybrid Congress in Darmstadt (Germany) & Online

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