Invited speakers by SFB 1261: Magnetoelectric Sensors: From Composite Materials to Biomagnetic Diagnostics

  • Susana Cardoso de Freitas

    INESC Microsystems and Nanotechnologies, Portugal

    “Tactile sensors based on magnetic skin and TMR-based magnetic sensors”

  • Assistant Prof.

    Diana Leitao

    Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

    Designing tunable magnetoresistive sensors”

  • Dr.-Ing.

    Christiane Richter

    Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V., Germany

    "The DFG within the German scientific landscape"

  • Prof. Dr.

    Carsten Wolters

    University of Münster, Germany

    "Contribution of new methods for combined EEG/MEG source analysis and optimized mc-TES to focal medication-resistant epilepsy"

Invited speakers by SFB 1270: ELectrically Active ImplaNts – ELAINE

  • Prof.

    Dame Molly Stevens, DBE FRS FREng

    University of Oxford, Great Britain

    Designing new biomaterials for tissue regeneration and therapeutics”

  • Dr.

    Christoph Tondera

    Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Germany

    "Multifunctional Conductive Hydrogels for Next Generation Bioelectronics"

  • Dr.

    Claire Villette

    KU Leuven, Belgium

    “Multi-physics modelling of tissue engineered skeletal disorder systems”

Invited speakers by SFB 1477: Light-Matter Interactions at Interfaces (LiMatI)

  • Alvaro Blanco

    Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, ICMM, CSIC, Spain

    “Self-assembled complex photonic materials”

  • Prof. Dr.

    Klaus Meerholz

    University of Cologne, Germany

    “Template Designed Organic Electronics”

  • Prof. Dr.

    Kornelius Nielsch

    Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, Germany

    "Ferecrystals: Non-epitaxial multilayer growth of 2D materials by Atomic Layer Deposition"

Invited speakers by SFB 1461: Neurotronics: Bio-inspired Information Pathways

  • Prof. Dr.

    Jasmin Aghassi

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

    “Solution processible materials and structuring processes for electronic devices”

  • Prof. Dr.

    Claudia Lenk

    Ulm University, Germany

    “Bio-inspired MEMS-based acoustic sensors to improve human and machine hearing”

  • Dr.-Ing.

    Sahitya Yarragolla

    Kiel University, Germany

    “Switching dynamics in memristive devices: Bridging theory and experiments for neuromorphic applications”

Invited speaker for Topic S - Sustainability

  • Prof. Dr.

    Franz Faupel

    Kiel University, Germany

    Sustainability crisis and our responsibility as scientific community”

InMAT 2025
31 March - 02 April 2025 | Networked Matter – Intelligent Materials in Rostock (Germany) & online

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