Company Membership

Besides the access for all employees of your company to the extensive network of the DGM, the membership includes further advantages.

Do you still have questions or suggestions regarding DGM membership?
Get in touch with us!

Become a member
Access to more than 100 professional meetings
Participation in expert committee and working group meetings is free of charge for your employees.
Draw attention to your company
Share your company's activities in the DGM network.
Interdisciplinary exchange
Your company benefits from personal contact with experts from science and industry, with the opportunity for interdisciplinary dialog and exchange.
Attractive participation conditions
Your employees participate in national and international events at the member price.
Networking from regional to international
Access to members and events for your employees, also in your region.
Advantages of subscribing to professional publications
Receive discounts for your company on subscriptions to the following journals: IJMR (25%), Practical Metallography (20%), Taylor & Francis (25%) & Springer for Professionals.

Membership types and conditions

The membership types are based on the number of employees.

Membership type Conditions
up to 50 employees € 850,00/year
from 51 to 100 employees € 1.000,00/year
von 101 bis from 101 to 500 employees500 Mitarbeitende € 1.250,00/year
from 501 to 1000 employees € 1.500,00/year
from 1001 to 5000 employees € 2.000,00/year
from 5001 employees € 2.500,00/year

Statutes • Terms and Conditions • Privacy Policy • Antitrust Notice

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding DGM membership:
T +49 (0) 69 75306-750

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