Application form for institute membership in the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V. (German Society for Materials Science)

Contact details and contact person
Billing address

Must only be filled in if the billing address is different from the address given above

Institute membership
Please select the number of your employees
*The DGM is recognized as a non-profit association for the support of science according to the assessment notice of the tax office Sankt Augustin dated 02.10.2020, tax no. 222/5751/1645. Donations as well as membership fees are therefore deductible within the scope of special expenses.
We became aware of the DGM (German Materials Society) through:

Statutes • Terms and Conditions • Privacy Policy • Antitrust Notice

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding DGM membership:
T +49 (0) 69 75306-750

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