Review of the SFS short webinar: “Is Sustainability Utopian? Complex Challenges and Concrete Action Principles”

On 24 April 2024 from 17:00 to 18:00, the SFS short webinar entitled “Is Sustainability Utopian? Complex Challenges and Concrete Action Principles” with Prof. Dr. theol. Dr.-Ing Christian Berg, member of the Club of Rome, as keynote speaker. About 85 participants explored the question of whether and how sustainable action can be implemented in today's world.

Introduction to sustainability
The webinar began with an introduction to the long-standing public debate on sustainability. Despite decades of efforts, humanity is still not on a sustainable path and is crossing several planetary boundaries. The increasing polarization in many societies exacerbates this issue: while some are increasingly concerned about the climate crisis and the state of our ecosystems, others deny the existence of problems altogether. 

Barriers to sustainability
Prof. Berg discussed the complex barriers to sustainability. He emphasized the need to understand this complexity in order to respond effectively to the challenges. The consideration of systemic barriers must be supplemented by an actor-oriented perspective: What can be done to support individuals, companies, NGOs and states in their sustainability efforts? 

Principles for sustainable action
The lecture presented a framework for sustainable action and discussed some examples. The principles presented included strengthening social cohesion, promoting diversity and innovation, and a deeper understanding of complex systems to avoid unexpected consequences. 

The webinar ended with the call for a sustainable transformation. Prof. Berg emphasized that the current challenges require a comprehensive analysis and the support of stakeholders through targeted principles for sustainable action. 

The webinar provided a deep insight into the challenges and approaches for a more sustainable future. It was made clear that the transition to a more sustainable society is complex and needs to consider a variety of dimensions and actors in order to be successful. However, it remains to be seen how the principles presented will be implemented to drive the necessary transformation. 

The International Alliance of Societies for a Sustainable Future (SFS) is an initiative of several societies and associations to create social awareness of the sustainability crisis and to engage in science communication. 

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