NanoMatFutur 2023: Funding Program for Young Researchers in Materials Science

In 2023, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) introduced the “NanoMatFutur” funding measure, a major initiative to support young scientists in materials research. This innovative program is designed to promote the next generation of researchers and give them the opportunity to set up their own independent junior research groups at German research institutions. Project outlines can be submitted again this year.

The aim of the guideline is to promote the implementation of new ideas in materials science and materials technology and to support their commercial use. The focus is on interdisciplinary research that combines classical knowledge from the disciplines of chemistry, physics, biology, nanotechnology and process engineering. The aim is to develop innovative approaches that go beyond traditional research boundaries and stimulate new applications in industry.  

As a cross-sectional technology, materials research is essential for many key German industries such as chemistry, the automotive industry and medical technology. NanoMatFutur offers young, excellent scientists the opportunity to put their creativity into practice. Funding is provided in particular for projects that generate new products, processes and services through innovative research and technology transfer. This not only supports the researchers' careers, but also strengthens Germany as a research and technology location.  

The funding includes support for the establishment of independent junior research groups at universities and non-university research institutions. Particular emphasis is placed on the creation of sustainable research structures that also promote the spin-off of start-up companies. The program supports innovative research approaches that should lead to concrete industrial applications.  

In addition to financing personnel, travel and material costs, funding is also provided for international collaborations and stays. Young researchers can thus expand their networks and participate in international knowledge transfer, which promotes the expansion of expertise and networking within the scientific community.  

Another focus is on the internationalization of science and research. NanoMatFutur offers not only German, but also international young researchers attractive career opportunities in Germany. Particular support is given to collaborations and returnees from abroad who can give new impetus to German research.  

Interested researchers can apply in two rounds of calls for proposals. The next deadline for submitting project outlines is 15 September 2024. Applicants must have substantial research experience and international expertise in addition to a doctorate. Projects with a high degree of innovation and an interdisciplinary character that are supported by collaborations with industry are particularly sought after.  

The selection takes place in a two-stage process: First, project outlines are submitted and reviewed. In the second stage, the best applicants present their projects to a panel of experts. 

NanoMatFutur offers young researchers not only financial support, but also the opportunity to develop their projects in a dynamic environment. In close cooperation with industry and international partners, the aim is to find sustainable solutions for the challenges of tomorrow. With this program, the BMBF is underlining its commitment to further strengthening Germany as a location for innovation by promoting excellent young researchers. Further information and application documents are available on the BMBF website.  


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