Review: DGM Lunch Talk "Future of the DGM-Tag"

The most recent DGM Lunch Talk webinar focused on the "Future of the DGM-Tag". In a lively discussion, a wide range of proposals were discussed to make this annual event even more attractive.

Program content & design: A balanced program that appeals to both young and experienced members is essential. There should be a limited number of presentations. The introduction of topic tables and panel discussions in the breaks between the program items as well as a champagne reception before dinner could encourage interaction. The integration of the expert committees and the possibility of online participation could round off a concept.

Location & logistics: A central location, ideally in the middle of Germany, would be advantageous for holding the "DGM-Tag". Starting at 1 p.m. seems appropriate. An interesting location, possibly in conjunction with an industrial site, could offer an interesting experience.

Promotion of young talent & networking: The greater involvement of young talent and the promotion of exchange between young and experienced members are of great importance. The focus is on creating explicit networking opportunities.

Adherence to time & scheduling: Strict adherence to time and well thought-out program planning are also important. The idea of a 2-day event or a more compact day trip with a maximum program of five hours was rated positively. A seamless transition to the evening convention should be guaranteed in the fut

Costs & funding: The event costs should be kept low, with sponsorship being considered as a possible source of funding.

The webinar provided valuable impetus for the joint future organization of the "DGM-Tag".

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