Editorial May 2024: DGM Annual Report 2023 Published

The year 2023 was characterized by progress and continuity for the German Society for Materials Science (DGM). Following the challenges of the pandemic years, we stepped up our commitment and activities to promote exchange between research and industry.

With over 110 events, including training courses, committee meetings and special formats such as webinars and Women@DGM events, we welcomed more than 5,300 participants. Particular highlights were the seven conferences and the “DGM Tag” with award ceremonies.

FEMS EUROMAT 2023 in Frankfurt am Main was also outstanding, taking place in a hybrid format for the first time and attracting more than 1,850 participants from over 60 countries. AI MSE 2023 also demonstrated the growing interest in artificial intelligence in materials science.

Further information can be found in our:
Annual Report 2023 (in German)

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