Federal spokespersons and federal team of the Young DGM

The federal team consists of the two federal spokespersons, who are elected for a term of two years, and up to four other experienced Young DGM members elected for one year.

Federal speaker and deputy speaker

The national spokesperson and his/her deputy represent the interests and concerns of all young-DGM local groups towards the junior committee. In addition, the federal spokesperson also represents the interests and concerns of all yDGM local groups to the DGM Board.

Federal Team

The tasks of the federal team are:

  • the representation of all yDGM-local groups in the DGM-Board, -Youth Committee and other DGM-bodies, as well as outside the DGM,
  • the transmission and summary of the most important decisions of the DGM Board and the -Youth Committee to all local groups,
  • the promotion of collegial cooperation among all local groups,
  • promote and coordinate the exchange of information within all yDGM local groups,
  • Solicit and prepare overarching themes from all yDGM local groups for the Young Leaders Committee meetings,
  • prepare the yDGM Annual Meeting in coordination with the Young Investigators Committee and with the DGM office,
  • presenting activities of the yDGM local groups to the DGM Board, DGM committees, and the General Assembly,
  • the national spokesperson provides an activity report for the DGM annual report summarizing the activities during the past year.

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