LightMAT 2023: Plenarsprecher*innen im Portrait - Philippe Emile

Vom 21. bis 23. Juni 2023 findet in Norwegen die internationale Hybridkonferenz LightMAT statt. Wir halten Sie mit interessanten Informationen über das wissenschaftlichen Programm und die Vortragenden auf dem Laufenden. Erfahren Sie mehr über die acht Plenarvortragenden der LightMAT 2023.

Philippe Emile, Airbus, France


Philippe Emile is a renowned French engineer who has contributed significantly to the aerospace industry through his groundbreaking research and innovative ideas. Emile began his professional career at Airbus Group, where he worked on the design and development of various commercial aircraft models. His expertise in materials science and engineering led him to explore new technologies for the aerospace industry, including Additive Manufacturing (AM).

Don’t miss the opportunity at the LightMAT 2023, to get in exchange with Philippe Emile on the potential applications of AM technology in the aerospace industry.

We are delighted to the Plenary Lecture of Philippe Emile, Airbus Operations, France, on Wednesday, 21 June 2023, 01:30 PM at the LightMAT 2023 Conference:

            “Introduction of AM technology in Airbus Commercial aircraft products

Don’t miss the opportunity at the LightMAT 2023, to get in exchange with Philippe Emile on the potential applications of AM technology in the aerospace industry.

#DGM #circulareconomy #aircraft #MaterialsScience #Airbus #AdditiveManufacturing #aluminiumalloy #FibreMetalLaminates


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