NFDI-MatWerk: ELN-Session auf Youtube verfügbar

Im Rahmen der Initiative NFDI-MatWerk hat die Einführungsveranstaltung zum Thema "Elektronische Laborbücher" großen Anklang in der Community gefunden. Alle Vorträge der Referierenden sind jetzt online verfügbar auf dem Youtube-Kanal NFDI-MatWerk.

The electronic lab notebook (ELN) is a digital version, a software platform, of the traditional lab notebook to record and store experimental results, including data sharing, access, and analysis. Several ELNs are already in active use in our NFDI-MatWerk community. In an online introductory event on 8 December 2022, different ELNs were presented for 20 minutes each, using illustrative examples from the materials science community. The basic functionalities of the following ELNs were illustrated using graph and image data:

  • eLabFTW (Nicolas Carpi, CEO of Deltablot)
  • PASTA (Dr. Steffen Brinckmann, Research Center Jülich)
  • Labfolder (Sarah Yazigi Labforward GmbH)
  • openBIS (Dr. Caterina Barillari, ETH Zürich)
  • NOMAD OASIS (Dr. Markus Scheidgen, FAIRmat, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

The exchange and demand in the community were high. If you missed the session, you now have the option to re-access all the contributions online on demand. Visit the MatWerk Youtube Channel: 

MatWerk Youtube Channel 

For the second half of 2023, the Consortium NFDI-MatWerk and the DGM are planning a meeting on ELN, which will be open to all interested parties to exchange experiences. Information will follow on the DGM homepage

If you have any questions about the NFDI-MatWerk, please send an e-mail to:

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