Integrating Infrared Excellence into Laser Polishing

The CLASCO project leaps forward with the integration of the Tachyon 16k+ camera into the laser polishing process of the CLASCO machine.

Our goal: a universal, digitized, laser-based post-processing route for advanced manufacturing parts. For complex geometries and functional surfaces, efficiency is achieved through meticulous material and energy optimization.

At the intersection of innovation and practical application, New Infrared Technologies (NIT) brings its expertise to the forefront. Its role is pivotal, providing real-time data critical to the precision of the laser polishing process. The Tachyon 16k+ high speed medium wave infrared (MWIR) camera is now fully integrated with the SYLAS laser system, providing a stream of infrared images that can be analyzed alongside the laser polishing process to optimise surface smoothing before functionalisation.

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